SUBduction (sub) module

The Subduction module contains software for the construction of subduction earthquake sources for the oq-engine. The components of this model can be used either independently or within a workflow similarly to what is described in this section.

Defining the geometry of the top of the slab

The modeling of earthquake subduction sources starts with the definition of the geometry of the slab. The mbtk subduction module contains tools for the definition of the top of the slab. Two are the approaches available. The first one, the most comprehensive, requires a tedious process of digititazion of the profiles describing the position of the top of the slab versus depth along each cross section (see Pagani et al. (2020) for a description of the methodology). The second one uses the geometries of the slab proposed by Hayes et al. (2018) (dataset).

The result of these two procedures is a folder containing a set of .csv files each one describing a profile. In this context a profile is a curve that lays on top of the slab and, generally, has a direction parallel to the dip.

First approach

Herein we provide a brief description of the various steps. Note that we use the symbol > as the prompt in a terminal, hence every time you find some code starting with this symbol this indicate a command you must type in your terminal.

  1. The first step entails the definition of a configuration file. An example is provided herein


# Path to the text file with the coordinates of the trench axis
trench_axis_filename = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18/data/subduction/trenches/kerton_trench.xy

# Path to the pickled file (an instance of the hazard modeller's toolkit Catalogue)
catalogue_pickle_filename = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18/data/catalogues/locations/PI_cat_filt.p

# Path to the Slab 1.0 text file with the coordinates of the top of the slab
slab1pt0_filename = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18/data/subduction/slab1pt0/

# Path to the Crust 1.0 text file (see)
crust1pt0_filename = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18/data/crustal_models/crust1pt0/

# Path to the Litho 1.0 text file (see)
litho_filename = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18/data/crustal_models/litho1pt0/

# Path to the file containing the focal mechanisms from the Global Centroid Moment Tensor project
gcmt_filename = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18/data/catalogues/focal_mechanisms/GCMT_20151231.ndk

# Path to the file with volcanoes
volc_filename = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18/data/volcanoes/volcano_list.xy

# Path to the text topography file
topo_filename = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18/data/topography/GEBCO_2014/


# Length of each profile [km]
lenght = 700

# Spacing [km] between the profiles along the axis subduction trench
# specified in the ariable `trench_axis_filename`
interdistance = 100

# Azimuth parameter. When equal to a real number in the range [0, 360] all
# the profiles will follow that direction. Ortherwise, if `None` the
# profiles will have a direction perpendicular to the trench axis
azimuth = None

# Maximum depth of each profile [km]
dep_max = 700
  1. Create a pickled version of your hmtk formatted catalog:

    > ./catalogues/`
  2. Create a set of cross-sections from the subduction trench axis:

    > ./ini/central_america.ini

Check the traces of the cross-sections in the map created. It’s possible to edit the traces or add new traces in the file cs_traces.cs

  1. Check the new set of traces in a map with the command:

    > ./ini/central_america.ini cs_traces.cs
  2. Create one .pdf file for each cross-section with the available information: e.g., earthquake hypocentres, focal mechanism, slab 1.0 geometry, CRUST 1.0 Moho:

    > cs_traces.cs

This command will produce as many .pdf files as the number of cross-sections specified in the .cs file

  1. Digitize the contact between the overriding plate and the subducted plate in each cross-section. The information in the command below corresponds to the longitude and the latitude of the origin of the cross-section, the length [km], the azimuth [decimal degrees], the cross-section ID and the name of the .ini file. For example: -106.479700 21.250800 600.000000 89.098531 0 ./ini/central_america.ini

Once launched, by clicking on the image it is possible to digitize a sequence of points. Once completed the digitization, the points can be saved to a file whose name corresponds to cs_<section ID>.csv by pressing the f key on the keyboard. The points can be deleted with the key d.

Second approach

The second approach proposed is simpler than the first one. At the beginning, it requires to complete point 1 and point 3 described in the first approach section. Once we have a configuration file and a set of cross sections ready we can complete the construction of the set of profiles with the following command:

> <slab_geometry.csv> <output_folder> <file_with_traces.cs>


  • <slab_geometry.csv> is the name of the file

  • <output_folder> is the name of the folder where to write the profiles

  • <file_with_traces.cs> is the name of the file (produced by with information aboout the traces of the cross-sections.

Building the top of the slab geometry

Now that we have a set of profiles available, we will build the surface of subduction . The output of this procedure will be a new set of profiles and edges that can be used to define the surface of a complex fault modelling the subduction interface earthquakes and to create inslab sources.

This part of the procedure can be completed by running the

  1. Build the surface of the subduction interface using The input information in this case is:

    • The name of the folder <cs_folder> containing the cs_ files created using either the procedure described in the first approach or first approach section;

    • The maximum sampling distance along a trace [km];

    • The output folder <output_folder>;


> <cs_folder> <sampl_distance> <output_folder>

The output is a set of interpolated profiles and edges that can be used to create a complex fault source for the OpenQuake engine. The results of the code can be plotted using Example:

> <output_folder> <configuration_file>

where <configuration_file> is the configuration file used to build the cross-sections.

Classifying an earthquake catalog using the top of the slab surface [incomplete]

The code produces a set of profiles and edges (i.e. .csv files with the 3D coordinates) describing the geometry of the top of the slab. With this information we can separate the seismicity in an earthquake catalog into a few subsets, each one representing a specific tectonic environment (e.g. Abrahamson and Shedlock, 1997 or Chen et al., 2017 ). The procedure required to complete this task includes the following steps.

  1. Create a configuration file that describes the tectonic environments

The configuration file specifies the geometry of surfaces, along with buffer regions, that are used as references for each tectonic environment, and the catalogue to be classified. Additionally, the configuration includes a priority list that indicates how hypocenters that can occur in overlapping buffer regions should be labeled. An example configuration file is shown below. The format of the configuration is as follows.

The [general] section, which includes:
  • the directory distance_folder where the Euclidean distance between each hypocenter and surface will be stored (NB: this folder must be manually created by the user)

  • an .hdf5 file treg_filename that will store the results of the classfication

  • the .pkl file catalogue_filename, which is the pickeled catalogue in HMTK format to be classified.

  • an array priority lists the tectonic regions, sorting the labels in the order of increasing priority, and a later label overrides classification of a hypocenter to a previous label. For example, in the configuration file shown below, an earthquake that could be classified as both crustal and int_prt will be labeled as int_prt.

A geometry section for each labelled tectonic environment in the priority list in [general]. The labels should each contain one of the following four strings, which indicate the way that the surface will be used for classification.

  • int or slab: These strings indicate a surface related to subduction or similar. They require at least four configurations: (1) label, which will be used by treg_filename to indicate which earthquakes correspond to the given tectonic environment; (2) folder, which gives the relative path to the directory (see Step 2) with the geometry .csv files created by create_2pt5_model for the given surface; and (3) distance_buffer_above and (4) distance_buffer_below, which are the upper limits of Euclidean distances used to classify hypocenters above or below the surface to the respective tectonic environment. A user can additionally specify lower depth to bound the surface and buffer region, and low_year, upp_year, low_mag, and upp_mag to to select only from a given time period or magnitude range. These latter options are useful when hypocenters from a given bracket are known to include major assumptions, such as when historical earthquake are assigned a depth of 0 km.

  • crustal or volcanic: These strings indicate a surface against which the classification compares the relative position of a hypocenter laterally and vertically, for example to isolate crustal or volcanic earthquakes. They require two configurations: (1) crust_filename, which is a tab-delimited .xyz file listing longitude, latitude, and depth (as a negative value), which indicates the lateral extent of the tectonic environment and the depths above which all earthquakes should be classified to the respective tectonic environment; and (2) distance_delta, which specifies the vertical depth below a surface to be used as a buffer region.


distance_folder = ./model/catalogue/classification/distances/
treg_filename = ./model/catalogue/classification/classified.hdf5
catalogue_filename = ./model/catalogue/csv/catalogue.pkl

priority=[slab_A, slab_B, crustal, int_A]


label = crustal
distance_delta = 20.
crust_filename = ./model/litho1pt0/


label = int_A
folder = ./model/surfaces/edges_A-int
lower_depth = 60.
distance_buffer_above = 10.
distance_buffer_below = 10.


label = slab_A
folder = ./model/surfaces/edges_A-slab
distance_buffer_above = 30.
distance_buffer_below = 30.


label = slab_B
folder = ./model/surfaces/edges_B-slab
distance_buffer_above = 30.
distance_buffer_below = 30.
  1. Run the classification

The classification algorithm is run using the following command:

> <configuration_file> <distance_flag> <root_folder>
  • configuration_file is the name of the .ini configuration file

  • distance_flag is a flag indicating whether or not the distances to surfaces must be computed (i.e. True is used the first time a classification is run for a set of surfaces and tectonic environments, but False when only the buffer and delta distances are changed)

  • root_folder is the root directory for all paths specified in the configuration_file

  1. Separate the classified events into subcatalogues

The user must decide the exact way in which they would like to separate the classified events into subcatalogues for each tectonic environment. For example, one may want to decluster the entire catalogue before separating the events, or to decluster each tectonic environment separately. View the following link for an example of the latter case:

Creating inslab sources for the OpenQuake Engine [incomplete]

The construction of subduction inslab sources involves the creation of virtual faults elongated along the stike of the slab surface and constrained within the slab volume.

  1. Create a configuration file


reference_folder = /Users/kjohnson/GEM/Regions/paisl18u/

profile_sd_topsl = 40.
edge_sd_topsl = 40.

sampling = 10.

float_strike = -0.5
float_dip = -1.0

slab_thickness = 70.
hspa = 20.
vspa = 20.

#profile_folder contains: resampled profiles and edges
profile_folder = ./model/subduction/cs_profiles/kerton/edges_zone1_slab

# the pickled catalogue has the hmtk format
catalogue_pickle_fname = ./data/catalogues/locations/PI_cat.p

# the file with labels identifying earthquakes belonging to a given class
treg_fname = ./model/catalogue/PI_class_segments.hdf5
label = slab_kerton1

# output folder
out_hdf5_fname = ./tmp/ruptures/ruptures_inslab_kerton_1.hdf5

# output smoothing folder
out_hdf5_smoothing_fname = ./tmp/smoothing/smoothing_kerton_1.hdf5

# this is a lists
dips = [45, 135]

# this is a dictionary
aspect_ratios = {2.0: 0.4, 3.0: 0.3, 6.0: 0.2, 8.0: 0.1}

# this is a dictionary
uniform_fraction = 1.0

# magnitude scaling relationship
mag_scaling_relation = StrasserIntraslab

agr = 5.945
bgr = 1.057
mmin = 6.5
mmax = 7.80